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Adult Life Journey

The Journey aims to make room in the minds and hearts of family members who are watching their children become adults. The objective is to learn more about the horizon of the possible departure of children from their parents’ home to live a more independent life. It lasts for two months, through virtual meetings, every week, which encourage the active participation of all, raising their doubts and insecurities on the subject. The dynamics are conducted by a group of specialists in the subject, who have practical experience with this type of life change for autistic people and/or people with intellectual disabilities.

Following this same theme, we launched the JNG Cycle of Lectures, which will start on July 10, 2023. By presenting the themes and contents of the Journey in homeopathic doses, the Cycle of Lectures will allow you to choose the topic of your greatest interest to participate and be able to bring your doubts and questions. It is our team of specialists who will be in charge.

There will be 8 lectures in total, lasting about an hour, in July and August, always on Mondays, at 7 pm, via the Zoom platform.

JNG Lecture Cycle Schedule:

Jul 10How to dialogue with the family about the transition to adult life, its challenges and possibilities?
Jul 17Housing as a right
Jul 24Housing models for adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism
Jul 31Life in the JNG house
Aug 7The role of the support agent in JNG independent housing
Aug 14The importance of the support network: doctors, therapists, groups, friends, siblings
Aug 21My JNG Support: What if I already have my apartment?
Aug 28How to make the independent housing model viable in other cities and for more people?


Each lecture costs R$45.00 and you can register through this link:

Lectures will be given in Portuguese. If you have questions, get in touch with us!

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